Some of the work Ash has done. Note that some work is hosted on external servers, which Ash has no control over. If these symbols
appear by a project's title, the content involves the relevant skills to create it:
html -
flash -
shockwave -
game -
video -
3d -
image -
cd/dvd-rom -
code (e.g. c++, java) -
other -
project still in progress - 
GMTV Sales Website |
why: Freelance Work | date: 2003-09-01 | duration: 5 Weeks | notes: show hide
Using some cunning JavaScript, framesets and image tables, I created GMTV's newly launched B2B website.
Refresh Media Website |
why: University Project | date: 2003-06-01 | duration: 8 Weeks | notes: show hide
With a group of other other students, the brief was to produce a website to promote ourselves as a new media company. We designed a highly detailed and interactive Flash site.
Simulacrum: FlashComm |
why: University Project | date: 2003-06-01 | duration: 7 Weeks | notes: show hide
This is a product demonstration website and CD-ROM for a fictional product of the future. The FlashComm is a communications device similar to a telephone, but using a lightbulb. This allows you to have instant communication with anyone with another FlashComm lightbulb. A University project to develop creative thinking.
Nintendo: Metroid Prime Microsite |
why: Competition | date: 2003-05-01 | duration: 2 Weeks | notes: show hide
Nintendo, one of the worlds largest video game hardware and software producers, recently launched one of their most anticipated titles, Metroid Prime, for the Nintendo GameCube. To promote this new game they wanted a microsite.
Using mostly Flash, and Javascript, an online game-like environment was created for the user to explore and find out about this new Nintendo title.
Note that the video clips and wallpaper downloads have been removed due to copyright restrictions. They are viewable on a Portfolio CD, should you wish to contact me personally.
BlackJack |
why: University Project | date: 2003-01-07 | duration: 2 Weeks | notes: show hide
A BlackJack card game developed in Java as an online applet. Made in such a way to be highly extenable to work with other card game rules should the need arise.
e-Learning with the GameBoy Advance |
why: Final Year University Project | date: 2004-05-10 | duration: 8 Months | notes: show hide
A project to try and expand the way we think about the devices we have in our homes already. Developed as a final year project for my Multimedia Computing Degree at the University of Plymouth, I hoped to deliver the potential for a new market, specifically software to help teaching and learning in the primary school classroom on portable gaming hardware.
X-Box Media Centre - Organic Apple Skin |
why: Competition | date: 2004-06-16 | duration: 3 Days | notes: show hide
A skin designed for the
X-Box Media Centre software, running on Microsoft's X-Box console, as a part of a competition run by the developers. This skin was selected as one of the winning entries. The full working skin is available from the following websites:
Various Images |
why: Personal | date: 2005-02-20 | duration: Ongoing | notes: show hide
Here is a collection of various images I have made over time. Some have a reason, others I just decided to make. More images will be added to this page as and when I make them Website |
why: Freelance Work | date: 2004-06-01 | duration: 4 Weeks | notes: show hide
When a new support organisation was trying to launch, they came to me to help design their whole image. I worked with them to get a name that worked then went on to design a corporate identity which meant a fresh new style and a logo to go with their website. This really was a full on job, starting from scratch with a start-up, ending with a well launched web presence and a trained staff who could then up keep their own site.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Game |
why: University Project | date: 2005-06-20 | duration: 2 Weeks | notes: show hide
A basic side scrolling beat-em-up game based on one of the best franchises of all time. Made using DirectX and C++ for the Structure of Game Design class at Full Sail. You may need to install a DirectX patch to play this game,
which you can get here, since it was built using the June 2005 SDK. You will get an error about a missing DLL if you try and run the game without it. The download is around 22MB due to the sounds included.
Arkanoid Game |
why: University Project | date: 2005-06-06 | duration: 1 Week | notes: show hide
Everyone knows this one. Move the paddle to keep the ball alive and break all the bricks to move on. Made using DirectX and C++ for the Structure of Game Design class at Full Sail. You may need to install a DirectX patch to play this game,
which you can get here, since it was built using the April 2005 SDK. You will get an error about a missing DLL if you try and run the game without it. The download is around 1MB. |
why: Personal | date: 2005-04-10 | duration: Ongoing | notes: show hide
All the latest news on the Sony Playstation Portable and the hacking scene surrounding it. Hopefully some homebrew PSP applications that I build will go up over time too.
IsoMechTric |
why: University Project | date: 2005-08-26 | duration: 2 Months | notes: show hide
IsoMechTric is an isometric, squad based, mech piloting, shoot 'em up game. This was a group project and I acted as Project Lead. Made using DirectX and C++ for the Structure of Game Production class at Full Sail. You may need to install a DirectX patch to play this game,
which you can get here, since it was built using the June 2005 SDK. You will get an error about a missing DLL if you try and run the game without it. The download is around 1MB.
Unreal Tournament 2004 Map: DM-ThePit |
why: University Project | date: 2005-04-27 | duration: 1 Week | notes: show hide
This is my first real map for one of my most favourite games. I tried to get a little of everything into this map, with an open outdoor area within a skybox with a cave opening leading into an underground base. The redeemer is hidden in this map dangling over the titular pit... oh and is protected by a sentry gun so be careful when you try and grab it. You obviously require a copy of UT2004 to play this map.
RenderWare Tank |
why: University Project | date: 2005-10-20 | duration: 1 Month | notes: show hide
This is a project made in RenderWare to move a futuristic Tank around a hilly scene. The idea was to implement 3D math and manipulate 3D models. Implementing various collision detection and resolution algorithms was also a major part of the project, including ground clamping and terrain
Maya Game Model Exporter and OpenGL Model Viewer |
why: University Project | date: 2005-09-20 | duration: 2 Weeks | notes: show hide
This is the first version of my Maya Model Exporter and OpenGL Model Viewer. For this I created a custom file type to save out 3D models from Maya 6.5 and then open them to display in OpenGL games. Since this is an early release, it isn't perfect, but it should be pretty solid. In future versions I hope to add animation.
Download the Maya Plugin
Download the Model Viewer - Includes some example models.
Source code is included for both parts of the project. |
why: Personal | date: 2006-02-18 | duration: Ongoing | notes: show hide
All the latest news on the Sony Playstation 3 and the hacking scene surrounding it. Possibly some homebrew PS3 applications that I build could go up over time too.
Urban Annihilation |
why: University Project | date: 2006-06-21 | duration: 5 Months | notes: show hide
"It's Playtime in the Inner-City!" Urban Annihilation is a real-time-strategy game featuring:
- 4 Factions, (Gangstas, Corporation, Cartel and Mafia)
- 4-player networked games
- Single player missions
- Single player skirmish mode
- Highly customizable with our free editing tools.
This was a group project and I acted as Project Lead. Made using OpenGL and C++ for our Final Project at Full Sail. |
why: Personal | date: 2006-06-19 | duration: 1 Week | notes: show hide
I made this website to promote Urban Annihilation, a group effort for our Final Project at Full Sail. I wanted a way of sharing our game demo along with video of our presentation and other things such as screenshots. Originally hosted at
Rack Em for iPhone |
why: Personal Project | date: 2009-04-25 | duration: 2 Weeks | notes: show hide
Think you are pretty hot with a pool cue? Prove it to your friends by tracking your pool game scores on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Add a rivalry between two players or teams then track how many wins each of them earns, by how many balls and 8-ball scratches.